After a very short period of time, I've decided to move. . . Please come see me at. www. wisdomwalking. net. I'll see you there!
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  1. I've Moved!
  2. The Power of Change
  3. Mistakes ARE Opportunities!
  4. My Weight Challenge - Update
  5. I'll Be Back!
  6. More Recent Articles

I've Moved!

After a very short period of time, I've decided to move...Please come see me at

I'll see you there!


The Power of Change

My husband is a writer, among other things. He would tell you that his is a gift that doesn’t come naturally – that he has to work at perfecting his verse and prose. I have, in fact, had the opportunity to witness his writing processes …he’ll construct a rough draft, read it, edit it constantly, look up new words to replace well-worn expressions, try to eliminate clichés, trying techniques and methods that no other writer would try. In effect, he has developed his own style that is unlike anything I’ve ever read before. (When he begins publishing his work, I will make sure you know when it comes out so you can see what I’m talking about for yourself.)

My husband has been writing for over ten years. It hasn’t always been easy for him, but he’s a self-motivator so setbacks haven’t really got the best of him. To help him stay motivated, he reads – A LOT! One of his favorite authors is Og Mandino, author of books like The Greatest Salesman In The World, The Greatest Secret In The World, and The Greatest Miracle In The World. If you haven’t read any of his works, I highly recommend them. They are easy to read, and the wisdom is powerful! My husband has read these books and has really taken the wisdom to heart.

As I recently perused The Greatest Salesman In The World, I came upon the following quote:

If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If I feel ill I will double my labour.
If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.
If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.
If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.
If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.
If I feel incompetent I will think of past success.
If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.
Today I will be the master of my emotions.

Mastering my emotions is one of the hardest tasks I’ve ever tried to do, but it’s so worth it. When I intently do it, my marriage relationship flows better, my relationship with my daughter grows, I can better empathize with my friends. When I don’t master my emotions, things go awry, because very often, my feelings lie to me and I base my actions off the lie. The result? Anger, misunderstandings, hurt feelings, bitterness, resentment, self-defense, you name it.

So I offer Og’s quote to you. Mastering emotions entails change. But with change comes growth, and with growth comes greater peace, love, and joy. I truly believe this. I hope you believe it as well.

Mistakes ARE Opportunities!

As most of you can see, I am new to blogging, so I do a lot of research on the subject. One of my favorite blogging sites is Pro Blogger by Darren Rowse. I was reading his “18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging,” in which he stated,
“Learn to see mistakes as opportunities.”

This statement resonates with me, since I make mistakes often. However, I am learning to really take that piece of advice to heart. Seriously.

As a teacher, I do really well with making mistakes. Not in the sense that I’m a bad teacher (not that I’m bragging or anything; I just really enjoy what I do). I try to stay abreast of my subject matter (biblical studies) and gauge what’s appropriate for high school students to learn. I try to discover better ways of delivering content in an engaging way. Nevertheless, it is necessary for me to help my students understand that in order to learn something, I can’t spoon feed them. I want my students to ask questions – questions that may make them feel uncomfortable at times – so I try to teach in a way that encourages students to really think.

In an effort to accomplish all these objectives, I experiment (mind you, I also experiment so as to not get bored with my own self, which is probably the real reason I do it). I devise new projects from year to year. I find and use different handouts that might suit my purposes. I try to find better textbooks to use (which can be difficult when trying to find a good biblical studies textbook for high school students). I try different assessment (test-taking/giving) techniques. Sometimes I will try a different type of project, and it will work very well. Sometimes the projects I assign bomb. They may actually end up in a stink-pile. I MAKE MISTAKES! OFTEN! But my philosophy on it is this: if I don’t try, I’ll never know if it’s valuable or not for my students. And if it does bomb, my students, if no one else, will forgive me.

As a wife, I do quite well in the mistake-making business. In other words, I make many, and as a result, I often feel inadequate as a wife. But I’m starting to understand that while I may not agree with what my spouse does or says, I have to stop making the same mistake of “I have to show him I’m right and he’s wrong.” And that takes a lot of effort (and humility), especially in the heat of the moment.

Am I saying that it’s necessary to be a doormat? Not by any stretch of the imagination. However, I do believe that it’s necessary to pick your battles. If I determine the battle is not worth it, then in my mind I have to tell myself, “K-Wiz, get over it. Suck it up. You may not agree with what just happened, or what led up to the incident, or what he said, or what he did, but your marriage relationship is more important and has more value than being right.” Unfortunately, it sometimes takes me awhile to tell myself that very thing. Nevertheless, I found some encouragement in this from Momentum Performance Development in an article entitled “Are You A Right-Fighter?” The author of the article states,
“If you have found that you may have some qualities of a right- fighter, don't start beating yourself up, begin working on it! You are a wonderful and lovable person with far more positive qualities than negative... this is certain! This habit does NOT have to define you. You are capable of releasing this habit at any time (please seek help if you need it, a partner in change is always a wonderful gift to yourself and your family!). Acknowledging your habit of right-fighting and becoming aware when you are engaging in this habit is the
first, most important step in leading a more successful and happy life.”

As vulnerable as it makes me feel, I am consciously and officially acknowledging I am a “right-fighter.” In spite of this, though, I will consider myself, as the article states, “a wonderful and lovable person with far more positive qualities than negative...a wonderful gift” to myself and my family. It’s a great article. Read it. You have the opportunity, no matter what has happened, to consider yourself a great and wonderful gift to you and your loved ones.

My Weight Challenge - Update

I'm back...exams are going on this week, but I can take a little breather from grading papers and exams. I least for a moment...As of Friday, I'm off for two weeks!!!

I stated last week that I am on a quest to lost 15 pounds by the end of March, 2007. Well, it's only been a few days since that post...and I can't say I've lost any weight. However, I did do a couple of things that I believe will help me on my way to my goal.

First, I started drinking more water. My husband gets on me about this often, and he is absolutely right for doing so. When I drink more water, I feel better overall because I'm eliminating much better (I hope that doesn't gross you out, but it's the truth). When I eliminate regularly, I don't tend to pack on weight. Now, I'm not drinking eight glasses a day, but I'm getting there.

Second, I started taking a multi-vitamin daily. It's only been three days since I've started, but I figure if I can give my daughter a vitamin each day, it should be easy to take one myself at the same time.

Third, I'm trying to get myself prepared for eating during this Christmas season. I found a very good article, "Avoid the Gift of Holiday Weight Gain." So instead of gaining weight during this season, my goal is to continue to drink more water, eliminate more, take my vitamin daily, and NOT GAIN ANY WEIGHT! As Jennifer R. Scott says in the article, "Simply staying the same weight will be a great accomplishment."

Here's to great accomplishments!

I'll Be Back!

Please forgive me...One of the great things about teaching where I teach is there is a great amount of flexibility in what I do. That flexibility allows me to teach the way I feel is best for my students, to cover what I feel is most relevant, to assess what I feel is most important.

That flexibility, however, has one or two drawbacks, one of which I am dealing with right now. It is almost time for exams, and I need to create two exams. Now I could choose to recycle questions from previous tests, and I suppose that would be the easiest thing to do. But I choose not to do it that way because it fosters this attitude in the student that all they need to do is study questions from previous tests to do well on the final, and that, to me, does not demonstrate comprehension of, or the ability to synthesize and apply, the material.

What that means is that for the next couple of days, I may not be able to post any entries to my blog, and I feel terribly about that. I am enjoying this process, as seeing my thoughts in the blogosphere causes me to really think about the issues that I'm writing about. It is causing me to be a little bit more reflective and intentional.

What that also means is that I really ought to rethink my philosophy of not recycling questions! I'm exhausted! But if I am able to return before Monday, I will consider it an honor and privilege for myself...In any event, I will return no later than Monday, Dec. 11th.

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