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Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Out Now

The final version of Ubuntu 9.10 has hit Ubuntu's servers a little bit ahead of its front page. Grab a torrent or ISO of the free Linux operating system while the servers aren't slammed.

From our own experiences, and those of commenters, the final release of Karmic Koala will generate enough traffic to seriously slow, if not entirely 404,'s web servers. If you're good with BitTorrent downloading, it's likely your best bet for today. Grab the copy you need—for most users, that's the ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386 image or torrent—and leave your torrent client running for a bit to help spread the open-source vibes.

Already running the beta or release candidate? Assuming you've been keeping up with your updates, you're already running the final version by now. If updates happen at a molasses pace today and tomorrow, try switching to a mirror server to move things along.

We've previously taken a look around 9.10 in beta, posted an "emergency key" restoration tip, and showed non-Ubuntu users where they can grab the new icons and wallpapers. Now's your turn—tell us what you've liked, loathed, and tweaked in the latest Ubuntu release in the comments.

Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) [Ubuntu Releases via Gizmodo]