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Track Your Time with LEGO Bricks

Software developer Michael Hunger wanted a better way to track the time he spends on various projects throughout the day, so he's opted to use LEGO bricks (pictured) instead of software or time sheets. Each one-line LEGO track represents one day of the workweek, and different colored bricks correspond to different projects. He stacks up a wall for each day to log where his time went or pre-plan the day. Hunger writes:

You can easily see how much work you did for any given project as you recognize the colored areas rather than time ranges (8:45-11:15). Having the relative time shares as part of this setup helps as well.

He says that the fun of using his LEGO time tracker is a big advantage—we do use systems we enjoy using—but that co-workers coming to your place and disassembling your workweek is the one disadvantage.

On LEGO Powered Time-Tracking; My Daily Column [Better Software Development]