Better Social Sharing: Facebook, G+, Pinterest, Twitter and More for Email Subscriptions

In helping to get your word out to your audience, pretty much nothing works better than enabling your readers to share via their social networks. FeedBlitz’s RSS service has done that for years now, but emails we sent out only included those options if the email was powered by a FeedBlitz RSS feed, aside from a Facebook “Like” button option. Even for FeedBlitz RSS -powered emails, if you wanted to change what social options the email offfered, you had to go to the RSS settings page to change it. It was possible, yes, but not that simple to do.

No more. To both issues!

1) No matter whether or not your emails are powered by FeedBlitz, FeedBurner, or your blog’s native feed, you now have access to all our social sharing options from the mailing list itself:

2) If you previously had the Facebook like button enabled for your mailings, from today onwards you will also have the options to share on Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest enabled by default.

3) We’ve simplified sharing on Google+ so that’s a much more direct and user friendly experience.

To enable or change the social sharing and bookmarking options in your emails, log in to FeedBlitz, select your list from the navigation, click the settings button, and then the social sharing link in the “Per-Post Modifications and Email Formatting” section.