Target your list while keeping tabs on your subscribers.

Real-time data and unlimited tagging on every subscriber, in every account, with no extra fuss or charges to worry about.

A globe showing the location of possible subscribers in different locations.

Dynamic subscriber management at your fingertips.

Quickly search your subscribers, check their activity, manage tags and custom fields, or add/edit groups, segments and suppression lists all from your FeedBlitz dashboard. In just a few clicks you can discover:

Screenshot of the subscriber management options.

Who’s opening your emails.

What tags are being tagged and where.

How many subscribers finished a certain funnel.

Who isn't interacting with your mailings.

And more!

Unlimited subscriber tags and custom fields.

When it comes to gathering and organizing subscriber data, you have ultimate control. You're free to gather as much or as little information as you desire with unlimited subscriber tags and custom fields.

Keep it simple with a first name on a sign up form, or get creative tagging by links clicked, purchases made, or occupation. The possibilities are endless.

Four different ways to target your subscribers:


A static list of email addresses to shape mailings, complete bulk subscriber updates, or sync with a third party system.


A dynamic expression of subscribers used to email based on those subscribers' engagement, tag or custom field.


Easily upload lists of emails to suppress to stay in compliance when running paid or promotional campaigns for affiliates.


Quickly edit and resend previously sent or scheduled mailings to subscribers who didn't open the original campaign.

Email top subscribers in 15 seconds or less.

Screenshot of available subscriber engagement filters.

You’ll be on your way to sending targeted emails in no time with FeedBlitz engagement filters. Automatically create a group or send emails based on who is (or is not) engaging with your emails. Quickly and easily:

Engage with your most active users.

Re-engage with inactive subscribers.

Engage with recently added subscribers.

All bounced, undeliverable and unsubscribed emails are handled automatically.

Managing bounced, undeliverable and unsubscribed emails can be time consuming and frustrating, but that’s why our system automatically handles it for you. This is part of our mission to keep your mailing list as active, healthy and accurate as possible, without causing you additional work or hassle.

Mail Communication Connection message to mailing contacts phone Global Letters Concept

If an email address returns as a soft bounce, we’ll continue sending email to the address for a period of two weeks or three consecutive mailings, whichever time frame is longer. Soft bounced email addresses not recovered, and any returned as hard bounces, are automatically removed from your list.

And because you're only charged for active, unique email addresses in your account, this means you're not paying for bounced addresses, undeliverables or unsubscribes, either. 

The following feature upgrade is available through FeedBlitz Accel and FeedBlitz Enterprise plans. For a full feature comparison, please click here.

Apply classic list-based triggers to individual campaigns.

Extend the list-based triggers of FeedBlitz Core with campaign-based triggers available with FeedBlitz Accel and FeedBlitz Enterprise.

Create finely-tuned, targeted campaigns by automating your subscriber management (subscribe, add to a group, tag, etc.) based on how subscribers interact with individual campaigns.

A screenshot of two different campaign-based triggers set for a campaign.

Keep your list healthy with automated list hygiene.

Boost open rates and engagement metrics by automatically ensuring your list is filled with active, engaged subscribers. FeedBlitz Accel clients can easily do this by enabling automated list hygiene for individual mailing lists and setting their engagement parameters.

FeedBlitz will then monitor the list, removing inactive subscribers as the email addresses meet the parameters. Healthy list = healthy open rates and engagement data.

Subscriber Management Feature Breakdown by Plan

Core Accel Enterprise
Unlimited tags
Unlimited custom fields
Unlimited groups
Unlimited segmentations
Dynamic subscriber management dashboard
Detailed engagement analytics on every mailing
Create targeted email campaigns
Easily apply suppression lists to a campaign
Email top subscribers with automated audience filters
Re-engage with inactive subscribers
Bounced, undeliverable, and unsubscribed emails automatically removed
List-based automated triggers
Campaign-based automated triggers
Automated list hygiene

With FeedBlitz Newsletters You Can:

Send targeted, personalized mailings through segmentation.

Track your subscribers and shape your mailings using groups.

Skip the hassle of managing bounced, undeliverable and unsubscribed email addresses.

Target your most active subscribers through our engagement filters.

Save time with quick exports of all subscribers or only a specific segment.

Sort subscribers through unlimited tagging and custom fields.

Import new subscribers seamlessly without forcing them to resubscribe.

Personalize your mailings using subscriber data identified by tags and custom fields.

Send targeted, personalized mailings through segmentation.
Track your subscribers and shape your mailings using groups.
Skip the hassle of managing bounced, undeliverable and unsubscribed email addresses.
Target your most active subscribers through our engagement filters.
Save time with quick exports of all subscribers or only a specific segment.
Sort subscribers through unlimited tagging and custom fields.
Import new subscribers seamlessly without forcing them to resubscribe.
Personalize your mailings using subscriber data identified by tags and custom fields.

Leave no subscriber behind. Let’s get started.