Deliver the right message, to the right subscriber, at the right time.

With unlimited tagging, the possibilities are endless. And so are the ways you can segment and target your mailings.

Subscriper segmentation concept highlighted by person figures of red, yellow and green.

Unlimited tags equals unlimited possibilities.

First name? Zip code? Birthday? Favorite color? Job title? Childhood pet? You name it, you can tag it. You can even learn even more by tagging subscriber actions such as:

Incentives downloaded

Signup forms used

Funnels completed

Links clicked

Products purchased

And more!

Target and personalize your email campaigns.

Tagging creates the foundation to sending emails that not only connect with your readers, but also create loyal subscribers who engage, share and continue to convert.

A subscriber can be tagged at any point in their interactions with you. And you can then immediately use the information from those tags to send segmented, personalized and targeted newsletters. Some example workflows include: 

Tagging Workflow Update 2

Three ways to target your email campaigns using tags.

Finesse your email campaigns based on any criteria such as location, main interests, subscription form used, the funnels they have completed, and more – according to the information you gather from tags.

Easily reach the right subscribers on your lists to send target mailings with a few quick clicks via:


A static list of email addresses to shape mailings, complete bulk subscriber updates, or sync with a third party system.


A dynamic expression of subscribers used to email based on those subscribers' engagement, tag or custom field.


Design a dynamic automated RSS campaign template to deliver a digest of content using multiple tags of interest.

Connect with your top subscribers in 15 seconds or less.


In a matter of seconds, pull a list of subscribers based on engagement levels to send a mailing, create a group, start a new list, or simply browse for your own awareness.

Working with FeedBlitz's tagging you can:

Gather as much subscriber data as you’d like with unlimited tags and custom fields.

Send better, personalized emails that encourage greater engagement with segmentation.

Start simple with tagging and segmentation, then grow as your email marketing efforts expand.

Begin adding tags at any stage of your email marketing journey: it’s never too late.

Capture information from existing subscribers through their preferences link at the bottom of each email.

Quickly pull a list of subscribers tagged with a particular field through the subscriber management dashboard or by using a group.

Track your tags and fields with real-time metrics.

Gather as much subscriber data as you’d like with unlimited tags and custom fields.
Send better, personalized emails that encourage greater engagement with segmentation.
Start simple with tagging and segmentation, then grow as your email marketing efforts expand.
Begin adding tags at any stage of your email marketing journey: it’s never too late.
Capture information from existing subscribers through their preferences link at the bottom of each email.
Quickly pull a list of subscribers tagged with a particular field through the subscriber management dashboard or by using a group.
Track your tags and fields with real-time metrics.

Tag and target your subscribers every step of the way.