Making Money on Vacation with Email Marketing Automation

Business chair with out of office sign.

Whether it’s the holidays with the family or spending some well-deserved time on a sunny beach somewhere, just because you’re away doesn’t mean your business has to grind to a halt. One of those key parts is communication: making sure your new clients are still getting the right greetings and introductions, providing content and updates while you’re away, and making sure the sales cycle runs smoothly. In this post, you’ll see email automation features you should be using and how to test them before heading out for a vacation.

Creating Email Funnels for New Subscribers and Clients

While funnels are a great time-saving tool anytime, they really shine when you’re away (or too busy) and unable to answer or onboard clients. These emails are automatically sent when users take certain actions, such as signing up for your services or emails, making purchases from your store, or just following up after a certain amount of time. If you’re new to funnels, check out our introduction and make sure to implement one or more before heading out.

Make Sure to Test Funnels First

Before you pack your bags and head out the door, make sure to test your funnels! The preview tool is helpful, but not enough. Check your email like your audience would use different devices and applications like Outlook and Apple mail. You can test each entry right from the editor. Learn the ropes with our Welcome Campaign tutorial, including how to test the entire funnel at once.

Keep Email Marketing Going with RSS to Email

Funnels are just one way to automate your email marketing. RSS to email enables the new or scheduled content published to your site or blog to be sent automatically to your customers, while you relax. You can even have notifications be pushed to major social media platforms. Think about using an editorial calendar to help plan out content ahead of time.

Schedule Business-as-Usual Newsletters

Speaking of emails, this is a great opportunity to schedule up newsletters in your absence or the holiday break. Alternatively, when you get back, a few snaps of your vacation exploits or a season’s greetings can be a great way of connecting with your subscribers. Learn how to schedule one here.

Send a Vacation Eblast to Current Clients

Is your absence going to change office hours, communication times, or affect anything else that is business as usual? Have a short email ready to go out listing changes to office hours, providing communication options, and let them know if you’ll be closed for any times or holidays. Learn how to set up one-time emails.

Take Time Off with FeedBlitz Email Automation

Need an email marketing platform that is known to its dedication to automation? It’s time to contact FeedBlitz. We can help you get set up for your next trip out of town or even a staycation. Send our team an email at You can also use our chat, check out our Help Forum, or give us a call at 1.877.692.5489. Our Support and Sales Desk is available Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm Eastern.