Angry Hacker rant version 1.0

Angry Hacker rant version 1.0

Yep..I do get angry. More angry than anything often now and then.

5 rules I abide -

  • I don't respect anyone at all who cant code and say they are hackers. They taint the word.


  • I respect anyone who has the guts to confess he is a skid but is willing to learn and code and contribute to the scene. Everybody was a skid once.


  • I am against anything related to defacements and exploitation if done using stolen/borrowed/any one else's code/shell/exploit/kernel patch. If its not your own, the defacement proves you are a skid and impotent.


  • Complimenting the 3rd point, if you don't know what an exploit does at core/you cant read its code and cant comprehend it to the lowest level, and you are still using it to your whims and fancy, again, you disgust me.


  • I hate anyone who ceases to pass any knowledge, the fool tries to hide his knowledge cuz he is afraid that it will create competition, the honest will reflect it to the fullest as he knows, the more he knows, the more he spreads, the greater the opportunities to create more creative code and thinking process.

Consider it my anger that NO knowledge sharing is done in any of the prominent Indian hacking forums out there, be it andhrahackers , indishell, hackers5, or anywhere. Same old stuff…leached from every possible where… The rest are not willing to share what they know due to their egos the size of Texas. At best you can go to garage4hackers , security xploded and can get your daily fix, or log into efnet/freenode and bitchx your daily fix of code and security.

When guys like (content suppressed) can start their own community and start commercializing the security scene for their own fucking profits, you know its time to back out. The real community n|u (null) stands out and is the only place where you can interact with some true hacker souls

The rest are fakes and I am glad I am not in touch with them. the real scene and some really good guys died 3 years ago.

Dear System, Fuck You ! | Angry Hacker Rant version 1.1

Dear System, Fuck You !  |  Angry Hacker Rant version 1.1
Sometimes I regret that why I didn't studied in class 12. But then, I never wanted to waste my time studying good for nothing subjects which played no role in the career I chose to opt. I chose to be different and I took the beating. Period. Even today, the good for nothing competition gets selected and is well placed cuz it studied in a better college and had a better 12 percentage, damn system. How much role skill plays comes into light when you jump at the real market. And they say we don't have our own Taran King, rms, Knight Lightning, Flake, Krahmer and Jon Lech. Let me start with the dishonor I brought to my dad as I was not "bright enough" to score good in the subjects everybody excelled. Not that I wasn't bright enough, I was not fucking interested, period. Let me talk about having Singla, Prabhat and my comp teacher as being my only friends at that moment when my family itself turned my back on me cuz I never scored accordingly.. well..why don't I talk about the subjects I was pretty good at? Programming? English? Anything that was practical? Nopes.. I am talking about the whole fucking society treating me as an asshole as I was not good in competitive subjects. I cursed the God why the hell i was born in a country where the student cant choose the career himself and has to rely on unimportant factors that will crush any genuine moral left in him ? I literally swooned at the tech the US/German/Spanish hackers were playing with, the real masters of the security game, and I cried I might never be as good as them as they had the advantage of choosing their own destiny not to rely on fucking AIEEE for your interests and money making rat race. I didn't wanted to study PCM, okay, Physics is okay, but CM is not a choice for me. Prabhat liked it, now he is a genuine scientist and I appreciate that, but I like hardcore security and I don't see anything where a fucking Ethyl 2-methylbenzoate or integral calculus played any role in that unless i went postal into crypto algorithms (which at a later phase of my life , I did)  and biotech .

Alas...I never knew what went wrong.

What was my crime fuckers? Being able to digitally pwn Ur ass in circa 07?

That were the days i got a sudden revelation of some sort..screw the system.. I went into isolation. I vowed that I might be the underdog of the fucking Indian education system, but I am glad whatever I am doing, I am good at it and happy to do it with satisfaction. I wont let anything I faced to my next generation. They would have the right to be the best since their inception at their own choice and they will be the best in the field of their choice, be it soccer, rocket science, i don't care, but they will be happy. And God help you if they choose to be the hackers, you know it better.


Angry Hacker Rant version 2.0 - Dear Corporate Infosec, You are getting Pathetic Day by Day!

It didn't took me too long to realise the actual scenario at infosec, at all leading MNC's. And here I am ranting about it and mind it, everything is appropriately correct.It all started with me applying for a job at a leading MNC, and those guys instead of heeding what I had done (with some powerful references) asked me if I had my CISSP/CISA/CEH/ECSA-LPT/BULLSHIT. Read I conclude these points -

  1. Any respectably responsible guy who has passion for Infosec has no chances at doing well at corporate unless he sells his soul to Satan of commercialization of security. Those guys (the management and HR) need guys who have certifications which are purely theoretical in nature and has no or little affilitation with hands on security. Worse, once you get in,be prepared to lie, a lot.
  2. The running gag among my security circle (dedicated guys who care about their network and do their best to save your assess) was that you can never be the security guy by researching, practicing and making your bones in the Infosec jungle. You can be one by getting certified.
  3. The best a CISSP/CISA does is to write the mails creating security awareness among company, create pie charts for the management while making sure those looked best while presenting himself , NOTHING REMOTELY RELATED TO HANDSON SECURITY and collect the easiest pay cheque on earth. Sad, but true.
  4. The condition is a result of HR's and guys who are what i call security illiterate, so the best they need a guy who is certified (by cramming notes,taking mocktests, bribing, praying and God knows what else) by some standard and would take the hotshot in just for the sole reason without even testing if he knows anything, and the best part is at the end of the day that guy creates bar graphs of security framework and audit infra of the MNC.
  5. At the end of the day, these certifications are nothing but to double your salary package, doesn't matter if you know anything or not. 

Bottomline : 

Dear Corporate Infosec, your minions are rotting you, and its not long when someone will pwn your ass like SONY because you hired some douche'bag who had a cert but was a skid.

inspired by personal experiences and J. Oquendo's wonderful post at Infosec Island